Ugo Tonietti President
Associate Professor in Static and Stability of Masonry and Monumental Buildings at University of Florence, retired in 2019
ICOMOS member
My studies and activities contributed to promoting a specialized professional figure that could tackle the structural and architectural aspects together in the conservation projects since they are strictly jointed in historical architectures. I have extensive experience in the field of stabilisation and conservation of Cultural Heritage, both in investigations and in consolidation (and restoration) projects. I attended International research projects on ancient masonries – earth, brick and stone made – and towns. I took part in the supervision and design of conservation works, investigations and drafting of guidelines on anti-seismic consolidation. As a scientific researcher in defining compatible conservation approach for Cultural Heritage, I published many articles and I was invited to several international seminars and series of lessons. I’m a member of the Unesco Roster of Experts active in protecting Syrian cultural heritage. I was coordinator of the PhD curriculum in Structure and conservation of architecture and Cultural Heritage at Florence University (2013 ‐2019).